The greenhouses

The prestige of the Bourbons in the lushness of greenery

Since its origin, the boost given to nursery activity made the English Garden an important centre for botanical experimentation, known throughout Europe. The Serra Grande (The Big Greenhouse), designed in 1863, was added not far from the two eighteenth-century greenhouses. Modern wood-burning boilers allowed the cultivation of prestigious exotic species. The plants farmed in the Royal Palace plots were used in other Royal Sites, but also sold to the public thanks to a catalogue published by the court administration. The rose garden and the so-called “scolle” of the camellias welcome an important floral collection, which offers its best from December to May. Nearby, a large pool dominated by a Putto riding a newt is dedicated to the cultivation of water lilies.

Greenhouses will be restore and are currently closed to the public

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