Alexander Hall

Joachim Murat’s Throne Hall

At the exact centre of the Royal Palace’s south facade there is Alexander Hall, dedicated to Alexander the Great, whom Charles of Bourbon was inspired by. The leader is celebrated in the grandiose fresco on the vault with Mariano Rossi’s artwork titled The marriage of Alexander the Macedonian and Roxane (1787).

The Alexander Hall is perhaps the place that underwent the biggest number of political transformations of the whole Kingdom of Naples.

Fulcrum of the private life of the Palace in the early nineteenth century while used as a dining room by the royal family, it was converted into a throne room during the French domination. It was later decorated with bas-reliefs and paintings that exalted the exploits of Joachim Murat. Upon the return of the Bourbons, any reference to the Murats was removed and replaced with the decorations we see today.

The gilded wood thrones, the only testimony of the Napoleonic period, are among the finest pieces of the Royal Palace of Caserta’s furniture collection.

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