Via d’Acqua

The Via d’Acqua

Beyond the Bosco Vecchio and the Parterre, the six fountains in the Via d’Acqua follow one another. From the Margherita Fountain up to the Torrione of Mount Briano, a gently sloping path shows Vanvitelli’s refinement and elegance, consistent with the spirit of the great European residences. Flanked by holm oaks trees and oak thickets, the various basins are all designed to be clearly visible from the entrance vestibule of the Royal Palace. Sections of lawn between each fountain prevent the creation of a visual overlap between the basins and the statuary groups. Sculptors such as Tommaso Solari, Andrea Violani, Gaetano Salomone, or later Antonio Brunelli, Paolo Persico and Pietro Solari were able to give life to Vanvitelli’s genius design with marble.

Past the Margherita Fountain, the visitor bumps into the Dolphin Fountain followed by the Fountain of Aeolus, the Fountain of Ceres, the Fountain of Venus and Adonis and finally the Fountain of Diana and Atteone.

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Beyond the Royal Palace
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