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TicketOne is the only authorized reseller for online tickets of the Reggia di Caserta

Entrance Ticket

Visit the Royal Palace of Caserta

The ticket includes:
  • Royal Apartments
  • Royal Park
  • English Garden
  • Royal Palace
    Recommended duration for the visit:
    2 hours
  • Royal Park
    Recommended duration for the visit:
    4 hours
View all opening times Discover the complex
Plus 1 euro fee for online pre-sale
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Royal Palace

Recommended duration for the visit:
2 hours
  • Royal Apartments
  • Court Theater
Opening times change on a monthly basis. Please check the timetable before purchasing your ticket.

Royal Park

Recommended duration for the visit:
4 hours
  • Bosco Vecchio and Via d'Acqua
  • English Garden
Opening times change on a monthly basis. Please check the timetable before purchasing your ticket.

The ticket office near the entrance in Piazza Carlo di Borbone is open from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
To avoid queues and book your preferred time slot, we recommend purchasing online. Tickets are non-refundable and non-changeable.

Other options

Plus 1 euro fee for online pre-sale

Royal Park

The ticket includes admission to the Bosco Vecchio, the Via d'Acqua and the English Garden. The ticket is available until the last access to the English Garden.

Discover the complex

The ticket includes admission to the Bosco Vecchio, the Via d'Acqua and the English Garden. The ticket is available until the last access to the English Garden.

Plus 1 euro fee for online pre-sale

Royal Apartments

The ticket includes admission to the Royal Apartments and the Court Theater on its opening days. The ticket can only be purchased when the Royal Park is closed.

Discover the complex

The ticket includes admission to the Royal Apartments and the Court Theater on its opening days. The ticket can only be purchased when the Royal Park is closed.

Plus 1 euro fee for online pre-sale

Royal Apartments evening opening

The ticket includes admission to the Royal Apartments. These tickets can only be used after 5 PM.

Discover the complex

The ticket includes admission to the Royal Apartments. These tickets can only be used after 5 PM.

A Day at the Royal Palace

Reggia di Caserta offers an experience full of grandeur. Art, history, culture but also walks in natural environments. Discover the services that can guide you throughout the day of your visit.

Reggia card

Enjoy Reggia di Caserta all year round

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